Beauty Perspectives: Face Reading with Fattima Loreen

“Our features always point in the direction of our purpose.”

Today we discover a new way of looking at our face with Fattima Loreen who is a Face Reader and Spiritual Mentor. She guides us not only into seeing our individual traits as cues towards our purpose but also shares with us how we can take better care of our nervous system and develop a more loving relationship with our face through meditation.

Editors note: I did my first Facereading with Fattima back in 2019 and I remember how astonished I was at Fattimas deep knowledge about the face and our individual energy systems. She has a truly unique way of looking at things and I am really greatful that she joined me today for this amazing interview.

Tell us a little bit about Face Reading, where it comes from and what it's all about  

Chinese facereading comes from the old ancient China over 2000 years ago. It started as a diagnostic tool to help people recover from health problems, and then later on it became a coaching and fortune telling system. There are some really cool teachings and techniques this type of facereading I do... that is “called” alchemy. When you apply these teachings you come into a beautiful transformation. A facereading is done by me looking at a persons face, receiving the information from the face that the person is broadcasting. I look at all features, lines, skin and bone structure in the face to receive this info. You can read more about what facereading is on my website.

What is it that most people are looking for when they come for a Face Reading? And what are the most common effects you see happening after a Face Reading? 

People that come to me are either curious of what their faces are broadcasting or they are looking to find themselves through a spiritual process. People are usually quite astonished at how effectful a facereading is, its very transformative in a loving way. Many times people come back to me and tell me the their lives have changed completely into the better after the reading.

What's beauty from a face reading perspective?  

The beauty is the soul that shines out through your eyes, teeth and skin. In Chinese facereading its called shen, its the souls light… and a person becomes very beautiful and attractive when they turn on that light. I teach people how to switch this on. Funny fact is when your light is on it’s a sign of fame.

What's in your opinion the connection between how we look and our purpose? 

Our features always point in the direction of our purpose. All features have information, and they mean something. When you are a facereader you can detect where these features would be put to good use in your job, your career and personal life.

In your courses and practice you talk a lot about the importance of taking care of your nervous system. How do we approach that? 

Uhh that’s a big question, I have so many tools I apply… and I love a good stable nervous system… however many people have overloaded systems… my two greatest tricks are:

1. Meditation.

2. 0mega 3, 6 and 9 oils.

How does your daily spiritual practice look like? 

I have many rituals, if I where to tell them all , it would be a full book.

 But here are a few:

1. I always follow my cycle, so I know how to use my energy.

2. Meditation every morning and evening.

3. A big glass of water every morning to flush my system, followed by oil pulling to flush out toxins from my system. I use coconut oil for this… it helps a lot if you’ve headaches. 

4. Cold showers every morning, except when I’m bleeding.

5. Move my body ever day, either dancing, yoga or hardcore workouts.

How does your current skincare routine look like?  

I primarily use organic and natural skin care, I love Herbal Salvation which is made from hand plucked and hand made herbs. A wash my face every morning and evening, never sleep with makeup. I use a natural scrub from Karmameju 2 times a week and a facemask 2 times a week. I get weekly treatments with my natural face-muscle machine called Caci treatment… its wonderful it trained the muscles in the face so the face muscles don’t get sloppy. And I put my hands on my face every day and send my face love, while I breathe deep into my body.

When do you feel most beautiful?  

Ha ha, probably after sex on a physical level and after meditation on a spiritual level.

How can we develop a more loving relationship with our face and body? 

By doing the buddhist meditation of love and compassion.

1. Send love to yourself first.

2. Then to your friends and family.

3. Then to strangers.

I remember that I bought my first Gua Sha from you after my first face reading in Copenhagen. What are in your opinion the most important benefits of a Gua Sha practice? 

They produce Qi in the skin and get the blood flowing for a natural vibrant complexion.

In your work with the Face Reading School, you accompany a lot of women taking their first steps in becoming an entrepreneur and leader. What are your thoughts on leadership in this new era? What is your no.1 tip for someone who is on that path? 

Yes, I help women come into their potential and into their dreams by knowing themselves. It my biggest honour to see women shine and rise. It’s all about coming back into your core being, this is what I teach and preach. It takes a little time with me to learn this…theres no quick fix. But I am a spaceholder that holds space for my women for this process to happen… it’s my path to help people back into their true nature and into their own magic. We all have magic inside of us… and I love seeing women coming into this magic, I love seeing their strength. I have these blueprint courses where I help women into their potential and of course in the facereading school I help women come into their leadership potential and become a spiritual mentor for others too.

What are you currently reading? 

The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks.

 To find out more about Fattimas work and her courses, visit her website or follow her on Instagram.

Join me and Fattima for an Instagram Live this Thursday. We talk all about the connection of Beauty and Purpose and how to switch on our Light.

When and Where? &Spirit Instagram Channel at 4 pm on the 21st of July.

Fattima was interviewed by Isabelle, Founder of &Spirit.

Photo Credit: Fattima Loreen Institute.


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