New Work - The Beauty of Rituals and Structure with Stine, Founder of Ella Business Consulting

Many of you might know Stine as the woman behind the beautiful Hola Luna Moon Journals but this is only one of her passions. With Ella Business Consulting Stine is helping women all across the globe to turn their creative business ideas into sustainable businesses, merging the masculine and feminine to create a new way of building and running a business.

It’s time for a new way to work and women like Stine are leading the way. Dive with us into this conversation about rituals and structure, merging the feminine with the masculine and finding the balance between the world of ideas and creating things in real life.

There is a change in working culture and it seems to be more and more palpable with each passing day. What do you think are the most important aspects of this new way to work? 

As I see it old structures of hierarchy are breaking down and many, especially women, are no longer willing to work themselves to death for a “prestigious” and well-paid job. I see a tendency to prioritize wellbeing, freedom and flexibility more than money in the bank. 

Being self-employed and working from home, it can be hard to find a daily structure that provides freedom but also creates space for focused work. How do we find what works for us?

Getting to know our way of work and our flow is super important as entrepreneurs. I normally help my clients with a quite structured weekly framework for their tasks and time, but then inform them, that they can shift around according to their mood and needs. Eg. You have a fixed list of weekly tasks that needs to be done, but what day and what time you do it, is up to you. That is structure and flexibility in a beautiful combination. 

What are rituals that set you up for a great (work) day? 

It may sound strange but I have these three steps that always set me up for business mode: Earrings, lipstick and a dash of perfume. I think it started during lock-down, where I used these steps to keep some sort of normality when working from home. Now they are a part of my getting ready for work routine. 

How do we find balance between the world of ideas and inspirations and creating things in real life?  

By setting time aside and acknowledge the value of both. Many people like the inspiration and creativity part, many people have good ideas, few carry them out.  I work in flows so when I have very creative periods, I capture everything in my notes and I know when creativity “shuts down”, it is because I need to move visions into reality through actions. 

What is a common struggle you see in entrepreneurs who are just starting out and what is your advice to navigate it? 

On the personal side they lack faith and trust in themselves and that often reflects back on questioning their idea or business which is a shame. Here my job is to help them through this very normal step and to be a supporter and cheerer all the way. On the more practical side, many do not have structures set up to support their goals and dreams and almost everyone dislikes branding and financial stuff. I do what I can to make these parts simple and fun. Business is business and as entrepreneur you have to do it all. 

How do you approach the feeling of "there is always more to be done" when starting a new business? 

I come from 9 years in Corporate so I know it is the name of the game. And, it is not a feeling, it is reality. There is always more you can do. That however, is not the same as “there is more you should do”. I have built up a trust in myself and I know that rest and relaxation is just as important for my businesses as sitting in front of the laptop. Balance – always. 

How do you navigate having two businesses? 

Structure, passion and perhaps by being a little crazy. In the beginning when both companies were smaller it was easier, but as they both grow, I see that this is not an ideal situation. Mostly because they have very different identities and jumping from one energy to another daily is difficult. However now I am here, I love both and I will make it work. This year I have also hired in help from two assistants which has been a game changer. Last but not least I am using my own tools from the business programs to plan, prioritize and execute on what is most important. 

What are you currently reading? 

I am actually taking a break from reading. I have read so many self- and business development books over the last 3 years. Now I am taking a break from new information, in order to install and integrate what has been read in practice. 

Ella Business Consulting

To learn more about this new way to work and how you can work with Stine visit her website, check out her business programs and follow Ella Business Consulting on Instagram.

Stine was interviewed by Isabelle Brockbals, Founder of &Spirit.

Photo Credit: Ella Business Consulting.


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